What Real Alaskans Eat, by J. Stephen Lay
A serious cook since he was 11, and a funny fellow for as long as anyone can remember, author J. Stephen Lay has crafted an unusual recipe book that will entertain and delight while causing your mouth to water… well, MOST of the time. When you add the fish to a recipe for Eskimo Ice Cream, you might have second thoughts about desert.
The author’s recipe for brussel sprouts, which he hates beyond reason, borders on slander against this poor, defenseless vegetable. And he’s rather disrespectful of the ubiquitous zucchini, too. But what are you going to do with someone who inserts beer for the chef into his recipe?
Notables among the 45 recipes are Cranberry Moose Chili, Roasted Beaver Tale, Russian Salmon Pie, Alaska-style borscht, and Honey That Never Saw a Bear. You’ll need fish heads, skunk cabbage, and a couple of shovels for the Stink Head recipe. What Real Alaskan’s Eat (128 pages) is guaranteed to have something for every red-blooded Alaskan!
A writer, photographer, and teacher, J. Stephen Law in recent years has worked throughout North America, in Africa, in Australia, and Thailand, after living twenty-six years in Alaska.
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