Bad Friday, by Lew Freedman

Bad Friday: The Great & Terrible 1964 Alaska Earthquake
Bad Friday
ISBN: 978-1-935347-24-8
Paperback: $16.95

On March 27, 1964, a magnitude 9.2 earthquake lasting more than five minutes rocked south central Alaska, leveling waterfronts, collapsing bridges, and crumbling landscapes. Bad Friday (265 pages) relives the most powerful quake in North American history, and the ensuing tidal waves that left homes broken, children orphaned, and infrastructure decimated.

Yet, from within the tragedy also came stories of heroism, community, and  perseverance from Alaskans who rode the earth as it shifted more than 14 feet,  who floated atop roofs as the tsunami hit, and who searched through rubble and  deserted homes amid devastation, heartbreak, and the beginning of  recovery.

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