Notes from Hell, by Rachel Bukey

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ISBN: 9781941890806
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Notes from Hell, by Rachel Bukey

Seattle Times Reporter Ann Dexter’s interview with Franco Albanese, internationally renowned superstar, begins like most interviews but turns into something much more. While Ann leads Franco on a tour of Seattle, she becomes charmed by him even as she scoffs at his notorious reputation. Don Giovanni in art, Don Juan in life, this charismatic man has left countless women in his wake. But when Franco is kidnapped, his closest friend murdered and the kidnapper demands that Ann publish the truth about Franco, she launches her own investigation into the opera star’s past.

Ann interviews a cast of characters from Franco’s life including former lovers, a jealous husband and a young opera singer whose star is on the rise. On a hunch, Ann crafts a provocative newspaper piece, asking that anyone who has ever been loved by Franco Albanese contact her. Besieged by emails, Ann finds another kind of message altogether buried in these steamy communications. Here is the woman who holds the key, who has kept a secret about herself and Albanese for over twenty years.  

Armed with new information, Ann takes the deadly risk of meeting the kidnapper alone and ends up captive, along with Albanese. With only her wits to save them, Ann faces an unhinged and obsessed bible-quoting murderer whose grasp on reality recedes almost as quickly as Ann’s strategies to get them out. In a suspenseful climax, Ann has one chance to free the opera star and herself from their hellish imprisonment. 

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