The Bentwood Box, by Nan McNutt

The Bentwood Box, Nan McNutt, Native American, Arts and Crafts, Tlingit, Nathan Jackson, Harvey Shirai, Yasu Osawa
Paperback: $16.95
ISBN: 9781941890349
Arts and Crafts

The Bentwood Box, by Nan McNutt

Chris, a contemporary 14 yr. old Native American Tlingit boy, apprentices with his uncle who is designing and making a traditional northern Northwest Coast bentwood box. In the process of helping with the box, Chris has an adventure, which changes the course of his life.

Nan’s McNutt’s introduction to Native American people and culture was at the University of Washington, where she developed friendships with Native American students. Since receiving her Master’s in Education (1979), Nan has lived and worked in Native American communities and schools. She has developed instructional materials and lead workshops for teachers in partnership with educators and artists from many Native American communities.

Nathan Jackson is an internationally renowned Tlingit carver who lives in Ketchikan, Alaska. Working almost entirely in wood, his eloquently designed rattles, boxes, masks, canoes and poles can be found in museums and corporate collections around the world. Yet, his commitment to church and tribe, as well as local schools and museums, keeps him grounded in the concerns of his community.

Harvey Shirai, member Tlingit – Tsimshian, grow up in Ketchikan, Alaska, and graduated from East Texas State University in 1979 in commercial arts. He has worked as Art Director for Tec films in Dallas, freelanced as an illustrator for children’s education books, and is best known for his work with Good Morning America’s garden guru Ralph Snodsmith.

Yasu Osawa is co-owner of Upstream Productions, Inc with Sandra Sunrising Osawa, Makah Tribal Nation in Washington State. As a
graphic artist, he provided graphics and stills for the award winning 1975 “Knowledge” series, a ten-part series on Native Americans for NBC. His work as a videographer and graphic artist includes producing five PBS broadcast documentaries on Native American themes issues and people.

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