Riding the Wild Side of Denali, by Miki and Julie Collins

Identical twins Miki and Julie Collins trap, hunt, fish, and garden in Alaska’s wilderness just north of Denali National Park in Alaska’s vast interior. Their closest companions are loyal sled dogs and Icelandic horses, which eat fish and can withstand northern extremes. Whether taking a 1,900-mile excursion around Alaska by dog sled, defending their huskies…

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Sled Dog Wisdom, by Tricia Brown

Mushers love to share stories of the rare relationships they have with their sled dogs, whether they’re in the dog lot, out training, or competing in sprint, mid-distance, or thousand-mile races. As mushers learn time and again, the heart of a sled dog is filled with loyalty, determination, and full dose of quirkiness. This newly…

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Iditarod Dreams, by Lew Freedman and DeeDee Jonrowe

DeeDee Jonrowe loves dogs, and her consuming passion is the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Winter and summer, virtually day and night (even in her dreams!), she and her huskies prepare for the annual race across Alaska. Iditarod Dreams is an absorbing, personal account of a year in the life of this remarkable woman living on the…

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More Iditarod Classics, by Lew Freedman

Picking up where the best-selling Iditarod Classics left off, More Iditarod Classics (224 pages) introduces readers to more of the men and women who brave the 1,100-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race from Anchorage to Nome. And do they ever have stories to tell! In their own words, champions and lesser knowns share their very best stories–how they came…

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Spirit of the Wind, by Lew Freedman

In 1958, no one in the Fur Rendezvous World Championship Sled Dog Race knew the Athabascan Indian from Huslia who limped to the starting line in Anchorage. But when he finished with the winning time, George Attla opened a new chapter in the history of sprint mushing. For decades, Attla, the “Huslia Hustler,” reined as…

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One Second to Glory, by Lew Freedman

In 1978, Dick Mackey claimed the most dramatic victory ever in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, crossing the finish line in Nome a mere one second ahead of Rick Swenson after a two-week, 1,149 mile-run from Anchorage. Many years later Alaskans still shake their heads in amazement. In One Second to Glory (228 pages),…

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Honest Dogs, by Brian Patrick O’Donaghue

It had been six years since newspaper reporter Brian Patrick O’Donoghue mushed to a last place finish in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Yearning to challenge himself anew, he enters the Yukon Quest, a more brutal 1,000-mile run between Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, and Fairbanks, Alaska. With wry humor and diminishing expectations, O’Donoghue shares the…

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