Chips from the Chopping Block, by Jay Hammond

Chips from the Chopping Block: More Tales from Alaska's Bush Rat Governor
Chips from the Chopping Block
ISBN: 978-0-9708493-5-9
Paperback: $14.95
Memoir/ Biography

In this memoir Chips from the Chopping Block(192 pages), a sequel to the immensely popular autobiography, Tales of Alaska’s Bushrat Governor, former governor Jay Hammond spins more delightful yarns about the fascinating people and humorous situations he has encountered from one end of Alaska to the other, from wild tales about life in the Bush to stories about the hot air-filled legislative halls in Juneau. The late governor was one of Alaska’s great storytellers, and he remains one of the state’s most beloved and admired public figures–living or dead–thirty years after leaving office.

Chips from the Chopping Block could be regarded as literary seconds, but a second helping of Hammond is almost as good as the first go-around…[it] makes fun reading.”
    —Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

“Jay Hammond has led an amazing life, and his writing is full of self-deprecating, gentle good humor…”
    —Alaska Journal of Commerce

“Filled with frank, candid, unvarnished honesty and with wit, humor, and keen feeling for the Alaskan soil, wilderness, cities, and people, Chips from the Chopping Block is very hearty autobiographical and observational entertainment and highly recommended reading.”
    —Midwest Book Review

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