Surviving Alaska, by Mary Ames

Surviving Alaska: This Book May Save Your Life
Surviving Alaska
ISBN: 978-0-9790470-0-8
Paperback: $14.95

One can only hope never to face the many life-threatening dangers and just plain annoyances that journalist, pilot, and outdoorswoman Mary Ames warns about in Surviving Alaska (160 pages), a guide that is both useful and entertaining. You’ll learn… what to do if you find yourself in the path of an oncoming avalanche… what to do if your bush pilot keels over at the controls with a heart attack… how to forge a river without a boat… how to drive on ice… how to get your frozen car started… what supplies to take that could keep you alive if you’re lost or stranded in the wilderness… to name just a few uniquely Alaskan hazards that you might face.

“In Alaska, survival is all about being prepared. And even then, there’s no guarantee.”
    –from the foreword by Tim Mowry, outdoor editor of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Mary Ames set off for a life of adventure when she was 17. She hitchhiked and rode freight trains throughout the U.S. Along the way, she picked vegetables, worked as a waitress, tended bar, trapped, hunted, fished, planted trees, served as a physical therapy aide, taught children to swim, and learned to fly. All this sharpened her sense of humor. Then she returned to college for a degree in journalism and now lives in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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