Rookie No More, by Cecilia Kleinkauf

Rookie No More: The Fly Fishing Novice Gets Guidance from a Pro
Rookie No More
ISBN: 978-1-935347-63-7
Paperback: $14.95
Sports/ Hobby

Rookie No More is a lifesaver for novice fly fishers who are struggling with unanswered questions about various aspects of the sport that they have undertaken. Compiled from hundreds of questions that guide and instructor Pudge Kleinkauf has responded to throughout her career, this book presents many of those same questions right here in black and white. As you strive to master new and complex situations you’ll be able to turn to this book for help with:

– Various casts and their use
– Information about fly fishing equipment
– Different flies for different situations
– Fishing techniques and skills beyond the basics
– Other common questions about topics like safety on the water
– Handling various related situations such as hiring a guide

Novice fly fishers have a large amount of information to absorb as they build their skills but don’t always have access to help from a more experienced angler.

This little book can be a handy resource, easily carried in your day pack as you venture out onto the water. Have a question? Rookie No More (160 pages) has the answer.

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