About Us

Founded in Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1988, Epicenter Press, Inc. is a regional press publishing nonfiction books about the arts, history, environment, and diverse cultures and lifestyles of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. Now located in Kenmore, WA, Epicenter has published more than 175 titles covering a broad range of nonfiction touching on history, memoirs, biographies, adventure, aviation, humor, true crime, mystery and the unexplained, sled dog mushing, women’s stories, and Native American culture.

See the information about our imprints on their webpages.

Our Other Imprints Include:


Subsidiary Rights for Epicenter Press

Epicenter Press

Reprint and foreign translation rights:
Wales Literary Agency
P.O. Box 9428
Seattle, WA 98109-0428
Phone (206) 284-7114
Fax (206) 284-0190
Contact: Elizabeth Wales
Email: elizabeth.wales@waleslit.com

Film, TV, and stage rights:
Cine/Lit Representations
PO Box 802918
Santa Clarita, CA 91380-2918
Phone (661) 513-0268
Fax (661) 513-0951
Santa Clarita, CA 91380-2918
Contact: Mary Alice Kier and Anna Cottle
Email: cinelit@att.net

Serial rights and book clubs:
Epicenter Press
6524 NE 181st Street. #2
Kenmore, WA 98028
Phone (425) 485-6822
Fax (425) 481-8253
Email: info@epicenterpress.com

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Danvers, MA 01923
Phone: (978) 750-8400
Fax: (978) 750-4470
Website: copyright.com

Permission Request

To request permissions, submit a request in writing that includes:

Title and author of the book you wish to reprint from
Exact material you seek to reprint
Title and publisher, publication date, list price, and initial print run
Territories for which permission is requested
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Epicenter Press Inc.
Attn: Permissions
6524 NE 181st Street. #2
Kenmore, WA 98028

Will there be a fee? Each request is evaluated on an individual basis

Answering Alaska’s Call, by Linda Fritz
Young Men Go North, by Joe Upton
It’s Always Uphill from the Dock, by Ann B. Irish
University Ghost Story, by Nick DiMartino