Posts Tagged ‘cookbook’
Alaska Heritage Seafood Cookbook, by Ann Chandonnet
Alaska Heritage Seafood Cookbook, by Ann Chandonnet KING CRAB, SALMON, HALIBUT, FLOUNDER, SPOT SHRIMP, CLAMS, STEELHEAD, COD, ARCTIC CHAR, MUSSELS, SQUID, SCALLOPS, ROCKFISH, DOLLY VARDEN . . . . . . any seafood lover knows this incantation usually means Alaska! In The Alaska Heritage Cookbook, author Ann Chandonner gathers recipes for almost 100 species of Northern sea life—freshwater fish,…
Read MoreWhat Real Alaskans Eat, by J. Stephen Lay
A serious cook since he was 11, and a funny fellow for as long as anyone can remember, author J. Stephen Lay has crafted an unusual recipe book that will entertain and delight while causing your mouth to water… well, MOST of the time. When you add the fish to a recipe for Eskimo Ice…
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