Views: Washington (revised 2nd edition)

Views: Washington
ISBN: 978-0-9637816-8-0
Hardcover: $16.95

Photos, like the written word, tell a story. A picture is worth a thousand words, after all. Views: Washington (80 pages) collects color photographs of Washington State by 28 area photographers. From the Columbia River in the South to the Cascades region in the North; from the coastal waters of the Oympic Peninsula in the West, to the rolling hills of the Palouse region in the East–these images present the best of Washington’s views, both scenic and urban. Published by Emerald Point Press, an imprint of Seattle.

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Deadfall, by Sue Henry
Alaska’s Deadly Dozen, by Tom Brennan
Murder on the Yukon Quest, by Sue Henry
Girl with a Fly Rod, by Celilia “Pudge” Kleinkauf