Moonlight Madness, by Samme Gallaher

Moonlight Madness: Tall Tales from Alaska's Copper River Valley
Moonlight Madness
ISBN: 978-0-9800825-4-8
Paperback: $12.95

Samme Gallaher offers a lively collection of stories about haunted roadhouses, bizarre animal behavior, weird weather, frontier justice, an unwitting “good time girl,” and an assortment of characters who inhabited Alaska’s remote Copper River Valley between the Klondike Gold Rush and World War II. Moonlight Madness (128 pages) will leave you with chills, and not the ones caused by Alaska’s cold climate…

Samme Gallaher was 96 and living in Thousand Oaks, CA when “Moonlight Madness” was published. She travels every year, sometimes driving, to the Copper River Valley where she came of age and wrote about her experiences in her first book, “Sisters.”

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