Author Blog Content Policy

Fanny Press Author Blogs Content Policy

Fanny Press provides a free blogging platform to its authors as a way to help authors connect with their readers and promote their books.  We respect our authors’ responsibility for the content they choose to share and do not censor their content. In order to comply with legal requirements and encourage good common sense, however, we do impose some boundaries on the type of content that can be hosted on Fanny Press Author Blogs.

Content Boundaries

Please respect the guidelines outlined here, and check back frequently as they may change from time to time. Also, please note that when applying the policies below, we reserve the right to make exceptions based on artistic, educational, documentary, or scientific considerations.

Adult Content: We do allow adult content on Fanny Press Author Blogs, provided that such content:

  • is in the form of excerpts of published works to which you own the copyright
  • is prefaced with an appropriate “content warning”
  • comprises less than 25% of your blog’s overall content
  • doesn not contain ads or links to commercial porn sites
  • does not contain incest or bestiality content
  • is provided for the purpose of genuine book promotion to potential book buyers

Child safety: We do not allow anything that does or may potentially exploit children, including anything related to child pornography or pedophelia.

Copyright: We respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. Please always respect the rights of others and never provide links to sites where your readers can illegally download other people’s content.

Personal and confidential information: Do not publish another person’s personal and confidential information. This includes someone else’s credit card number, Social Security number, unlisted phone number, driver’s license number, or any other personally identifiable information. In most cases, information that is already available elsewhere on the Internet or in public records is not considered to be private or confidential under our policies.

Illegal activities: Don’t use Fanny Press Author Blogs to engage in illegal activities or to promote dangerous and illegal activities.

Spam: Spam takes several forms in Fanny Press Author Blogs. Some examples include creating blogs designed to drive traffic to your site or to move it up in search listings and posting comments on other people’s blogs just to promote your site or product.

Malware and viruses: Do not create blogs that transmit viruses, cause pop-ups, attempt to install software without the reader’s consent, or otherwise impact readers with malicious code. This is strictly forbidden on Fanny Press Author Blogs.

Enforcement of Fanny Press Author Blog Content Policy

If you encounter a blog that you believe violates our content policies, please report it to us by writing to

We review all alleged policy violations. If the blog does not violate our policies, we will not take any action against the blog or its author. If we find that a blog does violate our content policies, we take one or more of the following actions based on the severity of the violation:

  • Mark the blog as containing ‘mature content’
  • Make the blog publicly unavailable
  • Delete the blog
  • Disable the author’s access to his/her Fanny Press Author Blogs account
  • Report the user to law enforcement
Our Alaskan Winter, by Constance Helmericks
The Last Ride in the Bumblebee Jacket, by Spencer Kope
Alaska Heritage Seafood Cookbook, by Ann Chandonnet
Suspension of the Rules, by Don Stuart